Renaming file name


New Member
I am wondering that how can i rename files name easily by using any software like example below:

from :

to all file name with A1.jpg, A2.jpg, A3.jpg, A4.jpg, A5.jpg, A6.jpg ............. I am using window 7 and i knew that i am able to rename all the files easily but window 7 always put ( ) between all the file name, how can i get rid of the ( ) ?

Thanks for any help ......
Save as <filename>.vbs and double click it. Set prefix to "A" and offset to 1
' Mass Rename Script by tildemark
' Usage: 
'   Place this script on a list of files you wish to rename.
'   Run this script by double clicking on the filename.
' For bugs send it to [email protected]

Dim fso, Path, Folder, Counter, Prefix, File, Extension

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Path = InputBox("Input the location of the files to be renamed. ('.' means current folder)", "Mass Rename Script", ".")

Prefix = InputBox("Input the filename prefix", "Mass Rename Script")
If Prefix = "\" Then WScript.Quit

Extension = InputBox("Input the file extension to be renamed", "Mass Rename Script")
If Extension = "\" Then WScript.Quit

Counter = InputBox("Input the starting offset", "Mass Rename Script")

Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(Path)

For Each File In folder.Files

  If Not ((File.Attributes And 8) = 8) Then
    If fso.GetExtensionName(File.Path) = Extension Then  
      File.Name = Prefix & CStr(Counter) & "." & Extension
    End If
  End If
  Counter = Counter + 1

Besides doing basic editing, watching movies it has a swoop of pluggins available.
Yes, Irfanview has a process called batch renaming with a displacement if needed.
Like test1.jpg, test5.jpg, test9.jpg etc. the displacement is 4 in this case.
Thanks for help, Cromewell, i have copied all the code and paste it into a notepad then save as a file name with .vbs extension, when i click on the file, it will ask me to input the location of the folder and enter the prefix....etc something like that but i couldn't get it work .......

Can you explain a little more detail ? thanks.
The easiest way is to put it in the folder with all your pictures. Then when it asks for the folder, enter ".". For prefix, enter "A" and for offset enter 1.

I don't know if fully qualified paths work, but relative ones will for sure (i.e. ".\..\subdir\subdir2" to go up one level then into subfolder named subdir and then into a subfolder of subdir named subdir2)
i have followed all the step and an pop up message said done, but the name of the file still remain unchanged ........ Actually what should i put in for the extension input ?