Remote Startup in DOS


New Member
Hey all,

I am an IT student on placement in a large company and was tasked with trying to find a method of remotely starting up a computer. I was told there was a method through dos but so far have been unsuccessful in my attempts to find information bar how to remotely RE-start or shutdown.

Does anyone know how this can be done or IF it can be?

To clairfy: Im looking to remotely start a computer from power off to full operation.

All help appreciated.

If you know how to control a PC remotely then you can shutdown and restart with n o problems
i tried it before google a program called "Net Control 2"
about the power up i really never tried it before....inform me if you got it to work :D

EDIT: I just noticed the title you say in DOS.if you meant using DOS as an OS
then forget this post,
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you can use wake on lan, assuming that the PC's support it, google for some software that supports it, i've never used it myself, but from what i understand it send a packet of data to a PC that is shutdown, and that then tells it to startup
Yup, if the motherboard and NIC both support WOL capabilities then this is the approach you want to take. I've always used since I like the interface, however there are command line tools that do the same exact thing.

Nowadays most built-in NICs support WOL, but most of the time it has to be enabled in the BIOS. Basically the WOL software broadcasts out what's called the "Magic Packet" addressed to a destination MAC address. The NIC with this MAC addy will see the packet and say, "Hey, it wants me to wake up!" If all goes well you will have a successful boot up.

There is however and alternative method if you're running W2K3. 2K3 supports what's called the EMS (Emergency Management Service) that you can enable in the command prompt. If the server locked up or somehow was turned off by accident, you use a terminal concentrator (connected to the network via ethernet) which is connected to a serial interface on the server. Once you HyperTerminal into the TC you can manage the server even if it is turned off...which gives you the ability to wake it up. However, I will not delve off into 2K3 because it might be completely irrelevant for what you want to do :D .