I need to connect to a PC in another network in another part of country. The destination PC is behind a Linksys firewall. If I know their WAN IP address, how can I connect to that certain PC if there are several PC behind that firewall.
Lets say the WAN IP is and internal IP is What should the address be I need to type to my Remote desktop program? Do they need to dedicate a special port in the firewall I can use?
I need to connect to a PC in another network in another part of country. The destination PC is behind a Linksys firewall. If I know their WAN IP address, how can I connect to that certain PC if there are several PC behind that firewall.
Lets say the WAN IP is and internal IP is What should the address be I need to type to my Remote desktop program? Do they need to dedicate a special port in the firewall I can use?