remote desktop control


New Member
how can i do this?
is there some software that i need?
or can u just remotley connect via an IP?

any advice Plz :confused: :confused:
If you're running windows XP you right click on My Computer-->properties and go to the remote tab, then click the box that says "allow users to connect remotely to this machine". Then on whatever machine you're using to remote into yours you go into start-->all programs-->accessories-->communications-->Remote Desktop Connection and then input the IP of the machine you want to remote into. It will open up a seperate windows (full screened) and ask you for your user name and password, at that point you can just put in your user name you use your name you usually use and you're password.
Windows makes RDC a very complicated setup (average user), and requires knowledge for connection that can change VERY often. This is not a large part of windows, therefor MS did not spend a lot of time making this part easy to use.

In fact it is rather difficult.

This Software is VERY easy to use.. Dont even need to forward ports. You have A LOT more control... and there are people who respond to support the software.
These os another way in which you can achieve remote desktoping,

Direct from windows, (souly used for network admin etc)
And from Windows messenger and msn messenger(of course)

you can connect through from an IP but you will need to be connected in a network (as i said beofore in this post)
thanks alot guys for the help!!!

one thing tho:-

through windows remote desktop control i can only connect to computers on my network, is that right?
thanks guys,

thats works now!

i noticed that u need to have an account on the computer that your connecting remotely to

;) ;)
Can U Take Remote Control Of A Computer Whilst Someone Is Using It And Control Thier Desktop And Keyboard Function?
Can U Take Remote Control Of A Computer Whilst Someone Is Using It And Control Thier Desktop And Keyboard Function?
Haven't tried it and it sounds vaguely illegal. Since you can only have one user logged on at one time I'm sure it will give you some sort of no-no.
It logs out the local machine which is being used. You will need to login when you want control again.