Whats a good quility sound card for STERO? not more then 30$, and fairly decent quility if possible
Good speakers? I have one mono speaker from 10 years ago that has static even on the start upnoise on winxp, i need some new stereo speakers.
Headset? preferably with mic for gaming? still want it to be fairly nice qulity for music and stuff when other people are around, and i want it to keep the sound in my ears, notr everyone elses (meaning it has good inslation so people around be cant here it)
Good speakers? I have one mono speaker from 10 years ago that has static even on the start upnoise on winxp, i need some new stereo speakers.
Headset? preferably with mic for gaming? still want it to be fairly nice qulity for music and stuff when other people are around, and i want it to keep the sound in my ears, notr everyone elses (meaning it has good inslation so people around be cant here it)