Really random question

I know it is not really to do with anything and I know you wouldn't ever want to do it but could you ever RAID0 or RAID1 two USB pens? I know if they were just plugged in normally you couldn't, or at least, it would maybe work until you reboot or unplug, but if there was a way to maybe run them off of one port, like what you get in a portable harddrive, a chip that converts SATA into USB, and sort of reversed it, so you had like a usb port splitter:
and then reversed it into a chip from a portable harddrive,
(or a sata to usb converter that I found on google which would be better) and then plugged it into a motherboard. It would be a bit like 2 stupidly small SSDs Right? You should then be able to raid them?

Sorry if this is a waste of time but I cant find an answer to this anyway... basically plugging two usbs into a converter that plugs into the sata slot of a mobo. - I think weird things sometimes!
If I am reading what your saying right, I don't think it will work. I mean in theory it could, but you would need to find a way to send power to it as SATA ports are unpowered unledd your running eSATA. If you could get an adapter that ran from Female USB to male SATA and it had power, then I don't see why it would not work. But it would be limited speed. You would be better off with just a SATA HDD unless your idea is to make some kind of stupidly microscopic computer or RAID array.
If I am reading what your saying right, I don't think it will work. I mean in theory it could, but you would need to find a way to send power to it as SATA ports are unpowered unledd your running eSATA. If you could get an adapter that ran from Female USB to male SATA and it had power, then I don't see why it would not work. But it would be limited speed. You would be better off with just a SATA HDD unless your idea is to make some kind of stupidly microscopic computer or RAID array.

If you were making a RAID for RasPi
Well the Raspberry-Pi doesn't support RAID anyway, I have one and there's no options to use RAID on an R-Pi because the OS is stored on a single SD card.
If you were making a RAID for RasPi
Ah, okay. Well as jason said, it does not supports RAID. I don't think it is big enough to support SATA as is. But it is a good idea. You might be able to contact the engineers that built it with your idea and they might be able to add or build some way to make it work.
Ah, okay. Well as jason said, it does not supports RAID. I don't think it is big enough to support SATA as is. But it is a good idea. You might be able to contact the engineers that built it with your idea and they might be able to add or build some way to make it work.

Ah, okay. Well as jason said, it does not supports RAID. I don't think it is big enough to support SATA as is. But it is a good idea. You might be able to contact the engineers that built it with your idea and they might be able to add or build some way to make it work.

Hmm not sure if RAID-0 pendrives is the best idea really, for a start pendrives are long, and I know you can get short ones, but you'd need two of them and it would add to the cost of the R-Pi (and the whole idea is that it is affordable, mine cost £22) and there are only two USB ports on the R-Pi, intended for keyboard and mouse as there's no PS2/, so you'd need extra USB ports thus increasing the size of the PCB and the cost.
nope. I see what your saying, but all you need is a powered expansion module and you can easily have 10 USB ports in place of your 2. (assuming 5 ports per module). for example. So your still out $20, but you can also use it on any computer built with a USB 1.1 or newer port.

True you can get a hub that's just extra cost.

Basically RAID'ing USB devices isn't going to happen, especially on an R-Pi.