Here are the index points from my desktop. I just want to know if having a low data transfer rate has anything to do with impeding my speed in programs such as video codec transcoding, video editing or simply opening an app. Nothing else matters.
SCALE 1.0 to 7.9
Processors: Calculation per second 7.6
Memory (Ram): Memory Operation per second 7.6
Graphics: Desktop Performance for Aero 5.3
Gaming Graphics: Gaming Graphics Performance 6.6
Primary Hard Disk: Disk Data Transfer Rate 5.9
SCALE 1.0 to 7.9
Processors: Calculation per second 7.6
Memory (Ram): Memory Operation per second 7.6
Graphics: Desktop Performance for Aero 5.3
Gaming Graphics: Gaming Graphics Performance 6.6
Primary Hard Disk: Disk Data Transfer Rate 5.9