Ps2 Help!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ok this might not be the right forum but I connected a router to my machine. Now im trying to conect PS2. Its wired. Modem-router-1 pc 2 ps2. I keep getting network wire unplugged error on the ps2. When I bypass the router and plug ps2 into the modem it works.
wait i dont get your question? do you have a modem connected to the wall which is connected to a router, then you have a computer connected to your router and now you are trying to connect a ps2 to the router? is that right??:confused:
well i did the "EXACT" same thing with a 360 and i had to change some settings for it to work. but that may be different with ps2 i really dk??????
BOBO - Yes ive tried different ports. No dust.
The other one- Are you saying i need to reset the Ps2 config?
Stud- Yes you have that right.
software?? umm isnt there a networking cd that comes with the networking adapter and if that dosent work try the online manual at sony .com or somthing... :D :D :D
Just the network settings. I've never networked a PS2, but just basic networking stuff, I know if you have say your WAN IP address entered(so your modem would work) but then switch to a LAN, then it won't work. Either set to DHCP and try to release/renew the address, or just manually enter the address(should be something like 192.168.1.x, subnet:, gateway the router's IP is)

lhstud10 - In my experience, the crummy software that comes with routers leads to more problems than anything.
yes i agree but the only way to play with the ps2 settings is to use that cd i think i may be wrong. please correct me. :rolleyes: