Project Hazardous n00b


Active Member
The reason why i called the project "Hazardous n00b" is its because this is the first big project i am attempting to build hence "n00b" and "Hazardous" because i am basing it on a Bio-Hazard theme.

My first question.

What color theme should i do?

Yellow and Black


Green and Black

Any ideas you would like to add to my project feel welcome to suggest them. :)

You didn't say what this project is..

New rig. Lol

Basically ive got an old case im modding up repainting with what ever color people choose :)
Im using it at LAN Wars so ill see who ever lives in England :P
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i would go with dark green-black. here's a thought. maybe you can cut 1 of these shapes out


then light the inside of the CPU with either green or yellow
Hmm Green seems to be popular. I am defiantly getting the Bio-Hazard sign onto the case as well i was also thinking of the warning tape but that is yellow and black? Anyone know if they do a Green and black version?
I found some green and black tape BUT there is one good point and one bad point.

The good point is that its reflective :D

The bad point is that it isnt very bio-hazardy? If you get my drift?

The Tape