problem with router


New Member
after about every 2-3 hours, my router seems to lose its connection. My computer cant communicate to the router. So i just reboot the router and then everything starts working fine... every 2-3 hours i gotta reboot it.. very annoying (i cant leave bittorrents on overnight :( ) any idea what could be causing this?
I had the same problem, usually happens around this time of the year... HEAT! Is it flat on the ground? Carpet? I would think it is not on a frim surface and the carpet is absorbing and holding the heat. So lean it against a wall, pull it from the output of the computer fan... Try that, see what happens. :)
SBCYahoo DSL (dsl works fine and never turns off without the router)
D-Link Di-604
anywhere from 1-4 at a time.

I dont see any problems with it. It just seems to not send a internet connection have like 3 hours... and its standing on a wooden platform in the open. arent these things designed to be on ALL the time?

O and i touch the main chip, and it gets extremely hot quickly. I mean, i can leave it on for 30 seconds, turn it off, touch the chip, and itll burn my finger.
i def dont think its supposed to be burning your finger. can u go directly from the modem to your comp? try this for like 3 hrs and thatll tell you if its the router. it def sounds like ur router is bad.
I greatly appreciate the offer Trizoy. But as I am very impacient i will buy a new one tomorow. ty for the offer though