Problem on WLAN connection


New Member
Ok... I am new to this wireless thing. I want to make a WLAN conn. PC2PC
I have a modem adsl 384 (NOT wireless), which is connected to my laptop.
I had to move my desktop pc from the other room and I am in need for internet. So I just beg of you any ideas on how to do a wlan on those two systems.

My laptop has a Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN and my dekstop has a NETGEAR W6111V2 USB 2.0 which it takes up to g speed. The problem is that I created a network connection with both of computers using a flash drive but both of them don't recognize any connection nearby when I told them to search. I also checked them on close distance but there wasn't any difference. Both of my computers are windows xp.

Please somebody help me on creating a WLAN network...:(

Edit: I don't have any peripherals like access point, so is it possible?
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Yes, this is possible, but from the wireless zero-config in xp you need to change some settings to make a 'ad-hoc' network
Sory, but i don't know exactly how to do this, but there should be somebody willing to tell you
Ok I finded a way with ad-hoc to connect both computers on wlan :)
now I am trying to set up shared internet conection from my rj45 on my
laptop and to transmit it wirelessly.But I have problems like same workstations don't identify their own "roomate".
Anyways they both are connected with each one on its own ip but I am already on a distraction on how hard is to make a small network :confused:

Edit: Fixed small network on transfer and print sharing. Any advice on how to share the internet on a wlan without an access point (if it is possible) ? I've adjusted sharing on my internet so that my network can connect but It doesn't do anthing. Only thing I can do is transfer files but no internet on the other pc.
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