post your old pc


New Member
every one has an old computer hidden away in there house.
post a picture of your old computer here.
here is my old computer its a 1994 or 1995 ms dos computer that sadly does not work very well:(
The oldest computer I have is a Compaq Presario CDTV920 with a Intel Overdrive @ 100MHz!

My oldest is a 1981 IBM PC:


This isn't it mine (I have 2 they're boxed up) but just like it. 640K of RAM, 2 360K floppy drives, DOS 2.1! Still works.
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Got a whole load of classic computers in the loft, ZX Spectrums, Dragon32s, Orics, BBC Micros. Will have to get them down one day and post pics here!

After the commodore 64 we owned at first. Dad went and bought a high end gateway 2000, not sure the speed of the pentium, it was either a 100mhz or 133 with MMX, with 32 megs of ram, 2gb hdd, and a ati rage ii 4mb card with a sound blaster soundcard, it was a rather impressive machine, i just didnt know it at the time :)
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