Port Clarification


New Member

I oftenly use proxy related tools..at present i was in need of socks5 proxys..i leeched n scanned socks5,at that time i found all the proxys from port 1080 is dead eventhough they r fresh n green in real..my friend told me that my 1080 port is blocked by my Isp..is there is any tool to find the blocked n unblocked port...if so please let me know...

Thanks in advance....
If you need to run proxy download CCProxy. Easy To use, Install on Internet connected computer, it gives u all the right ports too use in the manual/help.
Um as far as I know, ISPs really don't block ports, but system administrators do. Sounds like you are trying to get around a web filter to me
all i wanna use is socks5.....but all the socks5 r in 1080 port...but my pc not at all seem to be detecting that port as it is blocked..nothin other than that...