POLL: About how much does a sound card improve FPS


New Member
About how much does a sound card improve FPS in games? When i went from onboard to my Audigy 2 Value, and i seen about a 5 FPS difference. Anyone have an X-FI card that seen a difference in games?
I still use onboard with my main computer as it's more than enough for me... However, I have read benchmarks and 2-6FPS is usally the average increase when switching between onboard and some other sound card. Though, differenec drivers for your onboard sound can also make quite a difference.
I bought a sound card purely for the use of improved sound quality.... The fact that it can improve the FPS in a game is merely a plus for me......
Not all sound cards will give you higher FPS. In fact, if it does not have a Sound processor on it you will either have no difference or if you go surround if you didn't already have it you will lose tons of FPS. Only sound cards that have its own processor on it will help. The CPU will have to do the work of processing the sound and etc. if you don't have a sound card with no processor on it, but if you do have one on it then that means less work for the CPU = more frames per second. That's all you need to know on this subject really....
....huh? What's the purpose of a sound card if it doesn't have a processor?

Also, does my sound card have a processor? I though it did but I'm not so sure.....
Creative cards are hardware. They have their own processor on them. It's only those real cheap crappy cards that sometimes don't.
Well, the main reason i done this post, is to see if it would be worth it going from and Audigy 2 Value, to an X-FI Fat1lity Gamer Professional. All the reviews are perfect, all reporting at least 5 to 15 frames gained.
yes, when i got my Audigy4 ( the nvidia ones are using quite some recources.. and i gues Albatron wasnt really interested in making it the best onboard solution around :) )