Please Suggest Some Simple Gaming Programs


My son attempted Blender and as awsome as this freeware program is the learning curve is extremely steep. He wants to make simple two dimension games. If he can export his Paint creations into the program so much the better.

Any freeware suggestions?
I think there is a program called GameCreator that is rather simple to use. Your son should be able to export his paint creations if I remember correctly (I haven't used it in a long time). There is a free version, and a pro version for 15 or 30 dollars(US)
Thanks much Chugmuffin for the reply. It is much appreciated. Is this the software you are referring to:

If it is I have a few questions if you don't mind.

1. With almost zero experience in creating games from software what, in your estimation, how hard is it to learn on your own?

2. You said you haven't used it in a long time. May I ask why? Have you moved onto more complex software?

3. They have the Basic for $40. If and when he becomes good enough with the Basic, what do you suggest as to the next level?

Thanks again.
Actually, I was wrong. It is called Game Maker and can be found here:

It is fairly easy to learn without guidance as you don't actually have to write any of the code, its all drag and drop.

I haven't used it in a while because it was taught in a class that I took a few years back and yes, I did move onto more complex software so I was actually writing my own code as opposed to the dragging and dropping your son will be doing.