Please Help with Wireless Access Point!!


New Member

Right, I have a computer that connects to a wireless router that is far away (So I got a powerful antenna for my wireless card and now I can connect to it fine) but I now need to connect another 2 laptops to that router. The laptop wireless cards will never reach the router's signal so how would I go about creating an access point at the connected computer so that the laptops are recieving the signal from my computer(or the wireless access point beside it) and not the far away router? Do I simply buy a router that has access point capabilities (eg. the Netgear WPN802 at, Link it up to my pc and everything will work?

Thanks for your help,
You can get a wireless range extender. It acts as a device in the middle connecting the two with a bridge of sort..
Cool, I saw a Hawking one I was thinking about getting. Can anyone tell me the differnece between setting up an Acess point (and exactly how this works/requires etc) and the wireless range extender?- as far as I understand the Range extender still needs to be attached to the pc so that you can select which network you wish to connect to and extend.

You can get an AP that also supports WDS so you can repeat the singal wirelessly. Do note this gets you by with out having to run cable but it cuts your bandwidth in half. Half of it is used to create a bridge to the router, and the other half is used to broadcast wifi for your clients.

For longer range connections you will probably need like 100mW ~ 150mW AP, or get a device that can be flashed with some sort of third party firmware setting this up.
Anyone recomend any good Wireless Acess points? I dont think Ill mind the bandwidth getting cut in half, If its 54Mb and gets cut to 27Mb or so, iv still got enough for the 6Meg Broadband and LAN games or whaterver, so that shouldnt be a problem.
I typically use the broadcomm based hardware. Linksys and buffalo since they are good priced and good products and support many different third party firmware