Please help me pick a Computer Major


New Member
I have used computers all of my life and have just had a knack with them. I will be attending college this coming fall and I plan on doing so for four years. With computers I have always just loved fixing technical errors and problems solving to figure out why there is an error in what I am trying to accomplish. I know a lot about the hardware, but I am not really interested in it. So I guess what I am saying is I don't want to be a computer engineer. I love doing things like jailbreaking an Ipod (the redsnow way..more fun) or even just figuring out a new project I can do with my pc. I just don't know what major I should go with that is decent in job demand and makes decent enough money to live with. Also, I have always been the kid in my family that fixes the computer, finds out why the internet isn't working, configures the house's network, ect. Can someone please help me to find out what major I should be going in. Thank you and I am sorry if this is in the wrong forum, I am new to this site. I live in Ohio in case you were wondering.