Please Help ASAP


New Member

I have a Linksys WRT54G and I am having problems with it now. When I turn on my computer it says in my taskbar "Limited or no connectivity". So I was wondering what to do. The computer that is using the wireless internet doesn't want to connect so it has no internet which is strange because it was working this morning and also last night but the other computer which is not using the wireless is working. Also if I don't secure my router it works for some reason. I don't know why and it is also something I don't want to do because then people can steal my connection.

I also found something strange which is when I try to go to which is where I have all the options of my router I can't access it. I don't know why. It says "The page can not be displayed" which is strange because this last night and even this moring it was working. I even restarted the computer and it still does that and I even un-plugged and then re-plugged the router and it still doesn't work. So I need help. Please someone reply ASAP. Or even P.M. me.

Have you assigned the right IP address/subnet/gateway to the pc?Is windows detecting the wireless router?
Yes it is Windows that is detecting the wireless router. It also says under connection "Excellent" but for some reason it also says "Limited or no connectivity".

Please reply someone asap.
If you are running wep or the other you probably have the wrong key code right now. Go to a comp that can get into the router look up your wep key code . Then go to the other comp and see if they are the same. If not change the key code on the effected comp.
I know what you are saying but so far none of the computers in my house can not access my router look up. Is there any other way? And if I do the "Reset" button will it resolve my issue?
Try turning of your firewall, if that does it, then go into to your firewall settings and allow for your home network to be trusted, It's gotta be your firewall. Make sur e you don't have windows firewall and a 3rd party firewall running at the same time. What kind of firewall do you have?
I don't think it is a firewall issue. I will lay odds that WEP is turned on and the code key for that one comp is messed up. Why not go to a comp that can access the router and look up the key code and check? You stated when you turn the WEP off it works, Just look up the code key # and set it in your wireless comp. Make sure the SSID also matches.
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Can not(can't). None of the computers in my house can accerss the How can I change the WEP if I can't go to Also if I press the reset button and then I unplug the router and then I re-install the software, will it work? I was hoping there was an easier way to do this. If there is, please reply back ASAP.

is it not to access the options. I have a netgear DG834G and thats the address i need to put in to pick up my router....
Well. If he is too lasy to find the right address (which I doubt) Than he or she does npt need help. I am trying but need more info!
Ok I figured out my problem. I changed the WEP key and I didn't save it or write it down because I thought it was going to be ok. But now I can't change it because the only way to change it is to go to Now what do I do?

MyCattMaxx how do I HARD BOOT myu router? And also what type of more info do you want to know?