plain and simple


New Member
SO i have two computers. I want to transfer data from on the the other. What is the simplest/cheapest way to do this? They both have ethernet cards are these a possiblity? I do not have a burner other wise i would do that. Thanks for any help.
Or you could try a flash drive?
Depending on how big these files are. Flash drives are extremely easy to use and really small and no cables.

If the crossover cable isn't long enough why don't you take a look at some Flash Drives there are mainly 128MB/256MB/512MB/756MB/1GB/2GB I think you can get higher but I dont really look into higher than 2GB.
So all i would have to do is plug the cable into bothe cpus and then just drage and drop or is there more to the story?
Well, you'd have to setup the network and share the folders where the files you want to transfer are... pretty simple though. What OS is on each system?
one last little question

The site you offered is great, jsut what i needed. So a cat5 crossover cable is what i am looking for. Do you loose transfer rate with a long cable, say 100'?
Yeah, Cat5, Cat5e, or Cat6 will work for a 10/100 Mbs network (of course crossover cable for your case). From what I've read cables can span up to 100 meters so 100 feet should be fine.
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