Picture Permissions


New Member
After I upgraded my OS, some of my important pics can no longer be accessed. It tells me that I do not have permission. Now, I've went into the permission settings and am pretty familiar with the process, but my old user name is the same as my current one...I didn't upgrade with the upgrade option. I formatted my drive and installed a new OS...the pics were on another drive. Anyway, I can't access them and I need to know if there's anyway I can completely remove the permissions, or any kind of software out there that would allow me to manually alter the properties of the image (like you can use for dll files)? Anything so that I can see my pics again and can copy them to another place. Thanks.
When the problem occurred it was a change from XP to Vista, but I now have 7. The problem existed ever since the change to Vista I believe...it's been over a year now.
I tried, but did not succeed. I see that the main problem is that in the "Inherited From" column is says <not inherited> where any pictures that I am able to view has a location listed. then some of the pics have a parent like E:\something\something, but still will not let me access, the box titled "included inheritable permissions from this objects parent" is checked on most of them, but there is one pic that I've been messing with for the last year or so and it is unchecked and grayed out and has no inherited permissions, but in both cases it does no allow me to see the pic. Any idea?
Ok, I managed to get the permissions successfully changed to me, but now all I get are errors from every app I try opening the pic with saying things along the line of "wrong format, can't process, etc." Basically nothing will let me open it. Do you have any idea why this might be?
An example is with VLC (where the file originated) it says "No suitable decoder module:
VLC does not support the audio or video format "fake". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."