Photo Gallery Software?


Active Member
I'm looking for some photo gallery software to use on my website. I have looked at Coppermine and 4Images and stuff but they are too complicated. I want something very simple.

I need to theme to be dark and simplistic. Maybe just show a row of thumbnails and when you click one it shows a big version of that picture and allows you to navigate through the other pictures as well.

Is anything like this available for free?

Better still can anyone name a good joomla plugin? I have looked but cant find one that matches what I want.

Any ideas?

I had a look at the lightbox site. Looks good. Is it hard to setup? I looked at the instuctions and it says you have to put code in the headers and stuff. Did you have to do that or did it just work staight away?
Nah, not too hard. Yeah, you do have to put some code in the header and the body. Then you have to have some JavaScript files in your web-sites root directory. It's simple, just follow the instructions.
I'm currently using joomla for the website... So I'd edit the the template and insert the code right? I can choose to edit the html or css of the template. Which one should I choose?
I'm currently using joomla for the website... So I'd edit the the template and insert the code right? I can choose to edit the html or css of the template. Which one should I choose?

Ugm, what? You just insert the code given into your Header, or Body, I'm not too sure, should say on the site though. Then you add the folders that you DL into your web-site's root folder.