PDF Format

It seems hard to avoid PDF format. Who here doesn't care for it? I find many PDF documents have overlaping elements that keep lots of text from being seen correctly, and doesn't print correctly. What about this format sucks?
It seems hard to avoid PDF format. Who here doesn't care for it? I find many PDF documents have overlaping elements that keep lots of text from being seen correctly, and doesn't print correctly. What about this format sucks?
What program are you using to open the PDF??
I've got no issues with the PDF file format itself.

Adobe Acrobat sucks tho... which is hilarious since they created the file format.
Honestly it's better than a .docx for exactly the inverse of what you were describing. PDF is always more consistent.
I'll send you my email in a pm so you can send me one to see how it is on my pc if you want.
Perhaps there is a process to streamline complex PDF format to a simpler text document? Something I can easily transfer to a different format?
Ok but if you download a pdf online, can you view it correctly? If not then it's something with your pc.
I have downloaded it to my phone and from my PC. The PC version looks worse, but they both crop the top off.

It looks fine as a webpage, but even when I preview it to print on paper it looks wrong.