PC does nothing when power on button pressed


Active Member
yeah so my PC does nothing when the power on button is pressed..?

Video card works in another computer.
different power supply tried.
tried different/less ram

I'm starting to think it's teh mobo?
you pretty much eliminated everything. i would jumper the switch. might be the switch or button.
Like said, you could just pull off the power switch connector off the pins on the board and jumper it and see if it fires up. That way you would know if its the cases power button or not.
okay one last question, alright basically I have no idea here what to do..

okay so now I've started to worry; I was just about to go buy a new mobo.. but given the way the pc is responding.. could it be the CPU?

Really don't want to spend 100 bucks and it be the cpu.
Do the fans go and stuff like that? If the fans go, but nothing else happens it could quite possibly be the CPU. I know it's a stupid thing to ask, but I forget this every time. The CPU power is plugged in, right?
Okay, sorry for the stupidity...

Basically, I left jumpering to a friend.. and I'm guessing that he didn't do it correctly, beacuse now I tried it, power supply boots up..

So I tried grabbing the reboot button cable and plugging it into the power on button pins, I figure this would work right? and this doesn't work.. so motherboard?