password help


New Member
I have a linksys router. (wireless) and i want to set up a password, becuase im at college now and everyone is stealing it haha. anyway, i open internet type in and then it say to enter the name and password, i do admin, and admin as i wass told, and it just pops up as if i need to re-enter the password, i have no clue what to do from here, thanks
you can try resetting the router --- just hold down the small reset button with a pen or pencil for 30 seconds. unless you've changed tons of the default settings, it's probably worth it --- i do it once in a while

also, are you sure it's not ? sometimes is the modem...
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okay i did all that, now all i really want to do is set up the router so when you connect you need the password and i don't understand what to do to do that, thats all i really want to do, thanks
There is no login on a Linksys router by default. Just a password. Just type in "admin" in the password box and click ok. :)