Well, first off, the computer I am running on is 5 years old. It's falling apart, having problems, ect. Just recently, I got back into computer gaming after getting bored of Wii, and since it's been such a long time since I used my computer for gaming at all, it has become obsolete. I was looking into decking the whole thing out by upgrading pretty much the whole computer, but then, I had an epiphany. It would cost more to deck out my existing PC then just replace it. I asked for a new computer for Christmas (This one in particular. In the big scheme of things, $900 isn't all that bad for a good computer.), and nothing. I have good grades, and improving, and I am a good child. How do I convince them to purchase a new computer?
Thank you,
Well, first off, the computer I am running on is 5 years old. It's falling apart, having problems, ect. Just recently, I got back into computer gaming after getting bored of Wii, and since it's been such a long time since I used my computer for gaming at all, it has become obsolete. I was looking into decking the whole thing out by upgrading pretty much the whole computer, but then, I had an epiphany. It would cost more to deck out my existing PC then just replace it. I asked for a new computer for Christmas (This one in particular. In the big scheme of things, $900 isn't all that bad for a good computer.), and nothing. I have good grades, and improving, and I am a good child. How do I convince them to purchase a new computer?
Thank you,