My neighbor has just replaced his laptop with a new one because the old one caught a virus and died.
He says I'm welcome to have his old one and try to see if I can get it fixed....but I ain't sure there's any point in trying.
See, the computer's so ill that it won't even boot does this mean that the virus must've destroyed every single bit of software on the computer, including the operating-system software? That's to say, is the laptop now nothing more than a plastic box filled with electronic components?
(The virus began with a box appearing onscreen, telling the user that a fault had been detected and offering to repair the problem for a price. Then the laptop started crashing over and over and the only thing that was ever on the screen was the box with the message on it.)
Is it worth my taking the laptop to a computer guru or is it dead in the water? And if it's at all repairable, would the repair be so pricey that a new laptop would make more sense?
Many thanks for your collective thoughts on this matter, O venerable company of Einsteins.
He says I'm welcome to have his old one and try to see if I can get it fixed....but I ain't sure there's any point in trying.
See, the computer's so ill that it won't even boot does this mean that the virus must've destroyed every single bit of software on the computer, including the operating-system software? That's to say, is the laptop now nothing more than a plastic box filled with electronic components?
(The virus began with a box appearing onscreen, telling the user that a fault had been detected and offering to repair the problem for a price. Then the laptop started crashing over and over and the only thing that was ever on the screen was the box with the message on it.)
Is it worth my taking the laptop to a computer guru or is it dead in the water? And if it's at all repairable, would the repair be so pricey that a new laptop would make more sense?
Many thanks for your collective thoughts on this matter, O venerable company of Einsteins.