So I built a computer a while back and was using a downloaded version of vista which was causing me alot of problems so i downloaded yet another version which was a 32 bit modded version. After installing this version my sound quit working. So by this point I was tired of messing with it so i went to the store and bought a legitimate copy of Vista. It is Vista home premium 64bit. I installed this as well as a second video card and 2gb of ram as well. After all of this the sound still does not work. I know the speakers are ok because I plugged them into my laptop and they worked fine. I have uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them several times but still not getting any sound. The specs on the computer are as follows
evga nforce 780i sli - motherboard
nvidia geforce 9800 gtx (x2 bridged together) - video card
intel core2 quad 2.66ghz - processor
6gb ram
500gb hard drive
If anyone has any ideas on how to get this problem fixed I would appreciate it a whole lot. This is drivin me crazy!
evga nforce 780i sli - motherboard
nvidia geforce 9800 gtx (x2 bridged together) - video card
intel core2 quad 2.66ghz - processor
6gb ram
500gb hard drive
If anyone has any ideas on how to get this problem fixed I would appreciate it a whole lot. This is drivin me crazy!