Opening up a port


New Member
I'm looking to open up a port coming into my network by I'm having difficulty doing this. I have my internet connection connected to a switch then to a firewall then to my computer. Can anyone give me some guidance on how I should setup my firewall to allow this access. For example purposes, assume I want port 1050 opened.


First of all I will need the make of firewall you are using then I can tell you, but most firewall's work the same please tell me the make of firewall you are using then I can tell you how to open that port
Can you give me and model number or version number of your firewall, because some of them seem to be discontinued, which is strange that you are using an OOD firewall, either way can you supply me with a model or version number,

Well I cant see any information on the website and searching for it doesn't do it, maybe there might be something on your firewall control panel. Thats the only advice I can give you at the moment if I find anything I shall PM you