Opening a port to the internet...


New Member
I have an application with a build in webserver to allow administration via the internet.

Whats the safest way to open up its port?

It requires one port to be opened up.

Is it safe to just allow my WAG54G router to open that port? Or should I have some other form or protection?

I know that my IP address is dynamic and will change, but thats not a problem.
If you have a router, that should have a firewall on it. Just open the port on the server's IP address. Aside from that, I'd also be sure you have some pretty decent firewall setup on each computer.
The_Other_One said:
If you have a router, that should have a firewall on it. Just open the port on the server's IP address. Aside from that, I'd also be sure you have some pretty decent firewall setup on each computer.

I disagree... 1 firewall is enough...2 is a headache.

This is someone running their own personal PC.. Maybe even a small business.