Open port dangers?!


New Member

So I just ran a scanner on my pc and turns out I have a few open ports, 135 and some others. My question is, is this dangerous in any way? Can a hacker get any access to my pc with ports being open or do i need to be running some sort of server or something before someone can hack in? I tried telneting to the open ports and didnt really get much, just disconected when I joined, I couldnt type any commands or anything.

EDIT: " whats the deal with open ports"?
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Having open ports to the outside is basically like giving an attacker easy entry to your network.

Port 135 is the port that Microsoft's Remote Procedure Call uses and usually the Blaster worm takes advantage of this port to exploit the RPC service. I'd make sure you get this port closed ASAP to prevent any possible attacks. If you find an odd amount of outbound scans, it could be a sign of a possible worm infection. If you're behind a NAT/PAT (router in most cases) you can easily add a firewall rule to restrict any inbound and outbound traffic on this port.

Here is more info on port 135
You could turn on the winxp firewall, or just use one that comes with a router. If you have a router, it is already enabled.