I turn it off. Having blue LEDs on my case and 6 fans going all at the same time means that it's bright and noisy and that gets annoying when my PC is in my bedroom and I'm trying to get to sleep.
They aren't "meant" to stay on, but there's no problems with leaving them on all the time or turning them off, it's just a matter of paying the electric bill. I have a laptop that has been on 24/7 running some APRS applications for a year now.Thanks for all your feed back, I think if my pc was in the house I would turn it off, as like someone else has said, the collection of fans would bother my wife with there constant humming. But are computers ment to be left on ?,for eg: windows auto updates and scheduled virus scans. Just a thought.
Thanks for any further input
I shut it off every night because there's no point for me to keep it on all the time. Sometimes though when I have downloads or maintenance to run I leave it on all night.
I also have the BIOS set to turn the computer on every morning so it's all ready to go when I get up.
How do you do that?