old computer junk

I want to but ya I am going to upgrade ram and I might get a better gpu. I am going to build in a year or so. It works nice though when I keep it in shape.
Should this be in the For Sale section of the forum? Also, if people are willing to give you their system, it is going to be remarkably crappy, plus you have to pay for shipping... You would end up losing money.
SAAER45 said:
Should this be in the For Sale section of the forum? Also, if people are willing to give you their system, it is going to be remarkably crappy, plus you have to pay for shipping... You would end up losing money.

ya it should be in the for sale section he probably just click on the wrong link. i have a old pentium computer forgot what the speed of it is i think 200 or so but it is a big computer and wouldnt be worth the shipping for it and its probalby not what you are looking for but if you are i might want to sell it.
jp198780 said:
it might be a little 2 old 4 what im looking 4, how much? and could you post a pic?

I have no idea how much its worth. i cant post a pic cause i dont have a camera sorry. i know it has 64 mb of ram 2 32 mb sticks i think ill have to check tomorrow but it wont be worth the shipping cost cause the case is bigger and heavier then my dell 4700 but if you want to buy it make a offer and ill see if i want to sell it or not.
damnn, heavier than your Dell, pretty damn heavy, i was actually looking 4 a case, not a whole computer.
jp198780 said:
damnn, heavier than your Dell, pretty damn heavy, i was actually looking 4 a case, not a whole computer.

i dont have any empty cases but look on newegg you can get some cheap ones on there.
SAAER45 said:
For god's sake, what do you expect for free?
You'd be suprised what you can get for free on the internet :) I have had people even pay for shipping to give me something for free. Not many like that though.
You can have my garage if you wanna come pick it up (for like 200$ maybe?)






Pictures are a little out of date but most of the stuff is still ther (along with a ton in my basement and truck) so if you want it shoot me a pm, (I'm about 2 hours from you)

P.s. I'll work on getting new pics this week.
It was all at one time mine or someone else's that I aquired, if you wanna negotiate for it all be my guest, I wanna try and get a little more for it.
Lax said:
It was all at one time mine or someone else's that I aquired, if you wanna negotiate for it all be my guest, I wanna try and get a little more for it.

Man how far away do i live from you i live in Madison, Minnesota. If my dad would let me i would like to get all that stuff but i have no idea where i would put it but if your not to far away i might have to think about it.