Right now, I have this modem connected to the incoming house cable.
I have my desktop connected to it. There's a cable that's running half way around the room to get to my desk because the cable port is in a very inconvenient place on the wall. Anyway, when I need to, I disconnect my desktop and connect my laptop to the modem. I know, it's a ghetto setup...
I was wondering if I get something like this wireless modem and connect both my computers, I could not have the cable run half way around the room and things would be less cluttered and more accessible.
Here are my questions...
1. Would I be sacrificing performance for convenience with the wireless modem?
2. Are there any better modems?
I have my desktop connected to it. There's a cable that's running half way around the room to get to my desk because the cable port is in a very inconvenient place on the wall. Anyway, when I need to, I disconnect my desktop and connect my laptop to the modem. I know, it's a ghetto setup...
I was wondering if I get something like this wireless modem and connect both my computers, I could not have the cable run half way around the room and things would be less cluttered and more accessible.
Here are my questions...
1. Would I be sacrificing performance for convenience with the wireless modem?
2. Are there any better modems?