Odd annoying sound on speakers


New Member
Hi everyone, I recently bought a Dynex 5.1 sound card and Logitech X-530 speakers. I'm having a feedback kind of sound when I crank up the volume all the way when nothing is playing on the speakers, it's almost like a crackling & hissing sound. This never really happened before with these speakers( whenever I used to crank up the volume before the speakers would stay completely silent until I played music or something) or sound card, and I can't seem to figure out just what it could be and what I can do to eliminate this problem. And no, the speakers aren't blown out from me turning the volume up high. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it :).
my speakers do that hissing when you turn them up high and dont play anything, its because its trying to output nothing at a really high volume, there will always be interferance, there is nothign you can do to combat this.
another thing to take into consideration is that all the noise made by your pc (fans, etc.) combined with a cheap sound card (even a creative card) will always have "hissing" as a result of the computer's components....
Never had my X-530's do that. I get no hissing either... can turn them up all the way and it's like they weren't even on. However, with my old pc, i noticed that having the soundcard input enabled or the mic input enabled in the windows sound mixer will cause the hissing sound. When I turned them off, the hissing sound was reduced. However, that pc had a Creative soundblaster 24-bit.