Now that the Fed wants backdorr access..


New Member
The Feds are demanding a backdoor from all internet providers so that they can spy on anyone. The consequences are staggering.

First the idea that the Fed can look at any aspect of your life reminds me of 1984. Maybe he should have made the date 2011. Second, this will give hackers a hay day using such a blatant hole to get to your credit card numbers and the like.

My question is: what is the best encryption software for email and browsing?
If this is the wrong forum, please point me to a good one.

Nothing is for sure, so dont worry for now. Either way whatever you use they will probably be able to see what you are doing anyways.
I'm not so sure

Nothing is for sure, so dont worry for now. Either way whatever you use they will probably be able to see what you are doing anyways.

If they are demanding this kind of access, then it must be more difficult to monitor a lot of people than one would think. Access to super computers costs a lot of money and draws a lot of attention.
If they are demanding this kind of access, then it must be more difficult to monitor a lot of people than one would think. Access to super computers costs a lot of money and draws a lot of attention.

They are suppose to get the answer this Thursday so i dont really know if they will accept it or not.

whered you see this?

Type "The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA)" in google and you will see it. :)
Oh so funny....the very thing Obama "combats" over seas they are trying to do to us and that is control and regulate the internet. Once they have that kinda access they will want to move to the next step.
Though 15 years ago a guy showed me how your TV was built to spy on you.....showed how they could monitor and listen in without changing any components. Spooky stuff. So with the new LCDs its only getting easier and easier to do.
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whered you see this?

CNN I think. Some big news source. This is all stemming from the Patriot Act.
It was supposed to protect us from terrorists. Now our own government is the terrorist. Obama has been embracing the Patriot Act ever since he hit office.
To he honest they probably already have backdoor access,all they have to do anyway is get a warrant and shove it in your ISPs face and demand them to hand over details on your internet activity....there's nothing you or your Ip can do!,But it would have to be pretty severe stuff for them wanting to do that in the first place,Id honestly stop worrying.

Your ISP can certainly monitor what your doing anyway,Over here in the UK our Isps wanted to monitor on what we searched and browsed for the most,Then give us pop-ups based on what we like to look at :/...the plan never went ahead though :p
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Ok, Aussielanders, is it better over there? I think I'm going to come live with awildgoose and Ben, this is getting scary. Obama=AC!! :eek:.
Oh, if only I wasn't still a minor :(. Me and Ben would have some fun times :D:good:
Ok, Aussielanders, is it better over there? I think I'm going to come live with awildgoose and Ben, this is getting scary. Obama=AC!! :eek:.
Oh, if only I wasn't still a minor :(. Me and Ben would have some fun times :D:good:

Our ISP monitor your activity, but can't do anything about it.
The government tried to make a great firewall of aussieland a couple ago, but I'm pretty sure that didn't go ahead (hackers got into the government website and "changed" their mind). Our internet sucks though.
Well, if it's faster than dialup, I'm ok. 'Sides that, I don't want to live in the US if they are starting to go down that path.
Thomas Jefferson said:
My reading of history convinces me
that most bad government results from too much
Its not a new idea. the article was related to terrorist. More are using the internet for conversing. They want special cell phone companys with encryption to tell them how they are doing it and all internet to track ip address's for future reference. They have brought it up before if not 8 or 10 yrs ago. it was rejected. though a internet service does keep it eye on it for downloading movies or music. About ten years ago the gov created a site and offered to the hackers an opportunity to try and hack there site. offered something like $25,000 to do it first. When they want answers they hire them.

On the other hand spoofing or hiring a company to encrypt the ip like with a service web tunnel can not be trusted either. People always find a way though. example might be porting through several countrys and coming back. a lot of these countrys will not cooperate and answer the question 'who's ip was it or where did it go'. interesting though. just a bit to complicated for most. bad guys and good guys always hire the hackers to get answers. thats all they do. ......
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The government would have an idea of who they are going to spy on before hand.
It would take as many watchers as there are users to monitor all of us.
They just want to be able to quickly access the info that they are after.
The government would have an idea of who they are going to spy on before hand.
It would take as many watchers as there are users to monitor all of us.
They just want to be able to quickly access the info that they are after.

Not to mention how many pirate sites will be put out. That is either a :good: or :angry:, depending on you. But think if you go on one by accident because you are stupid and found it on google while searching for something. You've already got the ISPs monitoring the sites by gov request, now they're taking it one step further.
I'm against this idea.
I don't like Big Brother.

Somewhere in the US (California I think) was a case where the cops put a GPS unit on a suspects car.
He is a pot grower. He got busted and the courts upheld the right to place the tracker without a warrant as long as the vehicle was in a place with public access..
This is also going too far. Dealers are now buying jammers to foil GPS trackers.
I know if I found one on my car I'd keep it.
This is just another limitation of our freedom. I don't like it and soon if such things continue I will move from the USA while I still have the chance. All of this radical implementation is just unnerving.