Not sure if this fits

I'm not sure if this fits here or not but I'll ask. I got an HP Copier/printer/scanner (all in one machine) a few days ago for my 22 b-day, and all has been working perfectly. But yesterday, after restarting my computer, the computer wasn't reading it. Today, however, it is reading it and working fine again. Is this normal?
My comp's clean btw, nothing infecting me.
Does your computer do this with other USB devices (randomly not recognize them on start up)? If so, your USB controller may not be booting every time you start up your computer.
It's an HP PSC 1400, and yeah, it does this with other usb devices as well, mainly my game controller(which has issues of its own). About a week ago I did recieve a popup balloon stating that there was a power surge on one of my usb ports. Should I worry about that?
New_compforum_user said:
It's an HP PSC 1400, and yeah, it does this with other usb devices as well, mainly my game controller(which has issues of its own). About a week ago I did recieve a popup balloon stating that there was a power surge on one of my usb ports. Should I worry about that?
Yes you should worry about that, it is most likely what is causing the whole problem. Even though the message isn't there every time, the problem still is.
Have you tried putting the printer into a different port? Hopefully avoiding the current port the printer is on should prevent any further problems.