I've just bought a new monitor - a Syncmaster 913v - which is fine in every respect aside from having no built-in speakers and, as such, no sounds.
Is there any way to connect up external speakers to it? There are only two connection ports on the back - one for the plug for the monitor and another which leads from the back of the monitor to the graphics card connection on the back of my computer. Nothing else. Ideally, I want to be able to connect an external speaker to the monitor. I've got some speakers that I used with a computer years ago but while I've been able to plug them into the back of my computer via the sound card port, there's nowhere to plug into on the monitor. As such, no sounds.
I'm pretty sure there ought to be a way to connect everything up so I can use the speakers to hear sounds through but I can't figure out what it is. Or is a monitor that lacks built in speakers and has no connection for speakers just never going to be able to produce sound no matter what?
Sorry if that sounds like a dumb question, but I'm happy with the monitor and don't want to have to get another one just so I can hear a few things.
Thanks in advance.
I've just bought a new monitor - a Syncmaster 913v - which is fine in every respect aside from having no built-in speakers and, as such, no sounds.
Is there any way to connect up external speakers to it? There are only two connection ports on the back - one for the plug for the monitor and another which leads from the back of the monitor to the graphics card connection on the back of my computer. Nothing else. Ideally, I want to be able to connect an external speaker to the monitor. I've got some speakers that I used with a computer years ago but while I've been able to plug them into the back of my computer via the sound card port, there's nowhere to plug into on the monitor. As such, no sounds.
I'm pretty sure there ought to be a way to connect everything up so I can use the speakers to hear sounds through but I can't figure out what it is. Or is a monitor that lacks built in speakers and has no connection for speakers just never going to be able to produce sound no matter what?
Sorry if that sounds like a dumb question, but I'm happy with the monitor and don't want to have to get another one just so I can hear a few things.
Thanks in advance.