No sound!!


New Member
I have a knew build and everything is up and running

except no matter what I try, I can't get any audio at all.

its onboard sound. I am sure i connected it all up correctly (though I did leave the F panle audio unpluged but audio should still play when conected to the jacks leading direct to the board?)

I have trired updating drivers and all that.

it seems to have trouble sensing what I plugged into the jack seems to detect it wrong (as in it says its audio in when its actually audio out) but for the three seconds while its actually testing the jack the sound works fine!!

the motherboard I use is GiGABYTE GA-M55SLI-S4

Thanks for any help.
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Try removing the front panel plug and replacing the two jumpers. I had a similar problem because I used the wrong front panel plug. If you can confirm the soundcard works, then we'll work from there to get the front connectors working :P
sorry I don't understand what your saying, do you mean unplugg the F panel as in the power connectors or the audio connectors. Because as I said before the front panle audio isnt plugged in at all. And yes the onboard sound dose work because i get the 3 secomds of sound.