No Sound:(


New Member
hi, i just built my 1st computer and installed windows Xp on it. I installed a game Company of Heros (come with video card) and i tryed to plug in my head phones in the sound Jack and i get no sound. I ahve an antex 900 case and a Gygabyte P35-Dsr3 Motherboard. I tryed both jacks, in the front and in the rear. I dont have a sound card installed all i have is a video card installed. Do i need a sound card to be able to hear sound?

Also, kinda same topic: I tryed to get on the internet, i have verizion DSL. I jsut pluged the hardware in, i did not install any CD ( i have one, im going to see if i can install it that way, im at school right now, and will try it arround 3:00pm when i get home) i have a CD, im Jw is that what i need? THe power light comes on, the ethernet(spelling?) light comes on, but it blinks. I just pluged the ethernet cord to the back of the mother board pannel. Please can you explain what the signifacants(Damn i suck at spelling soory) of a network/internet card? IM in a computer classroom and i see that the computer behind me, the internet cord it pluged into a :

the one above the USB ports. Is that the plug you plug in the ethernet? Sorry for this long post. If you have any questions please put a post up. Thanks in advance



P.S. soory for my computer experence, please be patient(spelling) with a computer noobie :D
You might need to update the sound driver. Go to the mobo website and download the latest sound driver. Install it and it should fix your sound problem.

The one on top of the USB is the ethernet port. That is where you plug in your ethernet cable (for your internet). Again you might need to go to the website and download the latest driver for your ethernet as well.

Hope this helps. :)
No you don't need a sound card. Have you installed all the MOBO drivers that should have come on a CD with the MOBO? Might sound obvious but you might have forgotten, since its your first build I'm assuming.