Guys, i have built a new PC which is Win 7 Ult 64-bit edition with mobo Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H , i have Logitech LS21 2.1 Stereo Speaker System . After i built my pc i noticed that when i turned it on i did not hear the traditional Windows sound so i plugged in my speaker jack into one of the 6 ports that were available. When i played some music i could see that the volume was not muted and that the sound was adjusting as the mustic was playing which seemed normal however i could not hear anything coming out of my speakers. To troubleshoot i made sure that again, they were not muted, ensured that the speakers had power going through it and inserted my single speaker jack into each audio port that the mobo provided but in doing so i heard which sounded like a lound thumping noise every time i did this. The noise is coming from the sub woofer. What does this usually mean? The speaker i know actually work because they worked on my other pc, do i need to check that mobo for anything? I do not have a sound card.
The no
Please help if you can.
The no
Please help if you can.