no sound after installing GPU


New Member
Earlier today i installed my new EVGA 8600 GT and a ULtra x-finity 500 PSU to my system. Installation seemed to go well and now i was checking if everything is O.k.. Everything seems fine except my sound does not work. Does any know how to fix this problem? Is it because theres some kind of driver conflict with the video card and the on-board sound? Or is it i forgot to plug a connector somewhere (im doubt this is the problem)? I know you cant 100% tell what the problem is but could you give possible fixes to this problem? When i opened up dxdiag and checked the sound section it says "no problems found" so... I'm a little lost. Hehe.
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HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. OMG I'M LAUGHING AT MYSELF! The problem was, the stereo wasn't plugged in! Wow i feel foolish. I'm not sure how or why its unplugged, but it was. All is well again. Sorry for taking up bandwidth. :)
:D:D Laughing at myself not you, I have done the same thing before. Most everyone here probably has at one time or another.