no more connections


New Member
I have workgrouop environment with 18 compuers
One computer is use for file sharing.
some time when we want to connect that computer for file sharing the messsage is appeared "no more connections on this remote computer are availabel this time" and I cannot access the shared folder.
Please tell me the solution.
well is anyone connected to it when this happens? Maybe there's only so many slots people can transfer to/from it
waht FTP/HTTP software are you using to sahre the files or are you simply using windows file sharing ?

Depends on waht version of windows you are using if you are using just windows own file sharing utilities

-Windows XP Professional : 10 simultaneous file-sharing connections
( same limitation as in Windows NT4 workstation and Windows 2000 Professional )-Windows XP Home Edition : 5 simultaneous file-sharing connections
( Windows 95,98, ME do not have a known limit of simultaneous file-sharing connections )
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