No Audio Output Device is installed


New Member
Just hooked up my new Gateway GM5442 . Yesterday it worked fine. Was able to watch tv on it with the tv tuner that came installed.

When I turned it off last night after midnight it installed updates , now this morning I cant watch it because it give me the message " No Audio Output Device is installed" with the little red x .

The only thing I did this morning was to try to update the Adobe Flash Player 9 when it gave me the message to do that. Which didnt work, I got the message that the internet was blocking the download. I couldnt remember how to allow my Charter Security Suite to allow it.

Not sure what to do
I just got it to work. I just downloaded my vista drivers at linksys and then reinstalled my linksys wireless adapter card and turn it back on and it worked. Wierd though, it worked last night. Thanks for your help. I cried wolf too soon. Maybe this helps someone else that has the same problem.
It is strange, isnt it ? But I like the look of it and I love using the tv turner. The hardest thing for me is getting use to the popup box that says "Internet has lost connection, waiting for it to reopen" that happens when you close down your internet window. It doesn it each time, yet my yahoo IM application doesnt loose connect with the internet.
I do like it though.