No Audio device


New Member
All of a sudden my computer lost its sound. when i clicked on audio devices in control panel it tells me i have no audio device. when i access device manager it is empty. so i bought a new sound card upon the advice of my local computer store. installed it and still nothing. still nothing in device manager and still no sound.i have tried to change my audio settings in bios but cannot acces BIos. when i get into the settings menu upon loading window there is no bios. only cmos and a few other things but nowhere to disable audio. Can anyone help?? Cheers
I'm rather baffled... I mean regardless if the onboard disabled or not, the other card should show up no problem. I assume it's installed correctly, all drivers loaded, etc etc? Did you get the new hardware prompt when you booted your machine after installing the card?

My guess if everything else is correct is some type of software issue. Perhaps you should try to restore windows to an earlier date(Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore). Perhaps running virus scans as well just to be on the safe side...
Hi, Thanks for the reply.
It is rather confusing. I cant understand why my sound disappeared in the first place. I have tried the system restore but still no joy.
I cant understand why its not even picking up the new sound drive.
Any other ideas???
Cheers again.