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aaah zombie

New Member
Hi ppl, I recently got hacked. The pc works but is full of unwanted programs and wont let me load new antivirus software. I want to format the easy/hard is it to successfully reload all the programs on to a computer after a total wipe, can anyone advise me?
Can you download programs? If you can google Combofix download and run. Might freeze for awhile but just let it go. If you can't try running in safe mode and then downloading. Also have you tried a system restore?
If you reformat, its not that hard. Besides, you most likely didn't get "hacked" It's just a virus that got a hold of your computer and you would have to remove everything associated with it. If you really want to re-format, its not that hard to install things later. It just takes awhile.
if you have tried installing software like AVG and maybe a system restore with no success then i'd suggest formatting your HDD. No It's really not hard, just read everything and follow what the setup tells you to do. you can look online for guilds on how to format your HDD.