New to wireless internet!!

Well depending on what type of internet you have...
The modem receives the signal from the DSL or CABLE, and is then sent via the WAN cable to the router. What type of connection do you have? And more importantly, do you need specific instructions? or is the above reply all you need?
Trizoy said:
Well depending on what type of internet you have...
The modem receives the signal from the DSL or CABLE, and is then sent via the WAN cable to the router. What type of connection do you have? And more importantly, do you need specific instructions?

cable, and yes...
Hooking a cable modem to your router is very easy.. A simple cross over cord is placed between the modem and router (included with router).

I have this router, and also Cable..

Login with this in your internet explorer window. //
default id/password is admin/admin

Go to the setup tab and select Auto configuration-DHCP
(im not at home to say exact tab name) but clone the mac address of the PC that is hooked up when the cable was originally setup. Then you gave the mac address of the modem to the cable company.. Should work fine from there.

-make sure you enable security for the wireless portion, and put a PW on the router.
Trizoy said:
Login with this in your internet explorer window. //
default id/password is admin/admin

On certain Linksys models, the Id is blank. This should tell you what your router uses. Just find a guide for forwarding your router, and it'll have basic login info there.