New to Computers


New Member
Hi everyone!

I am just learning computers. I know how to use applications and such, but I really don't know much about computers. I've started to take a few computer classes.

Would this be a good place for me or do you have another suggestion for me?
Computer classes can be very helpful. if you ask around on the forum for anything general or specific you will always get help :)
Welcome! This is a great place to just hang out, read threads, see what the problem was and how it was solved. Classes are great too!
Me too. they will talk about everything generally speaking. sometime the response is quick and sometime ya just have to plain wait it out.
welcome to the site.
welcome to the site :)

about 80% of what I know is self taught, whenever I have a problem, google it and see what others have done or know about it, when I started building comuters, I went hands on and looked at my computer, the parts etc and realised how simple it all is, it is mostly colour/shape coordinated :P

the other 20% is from here, sitting in discussion threads or offering help and getting people discuss the help you have offered or you discussing the help others have given often leads to little nuggets of information that you didn't know before coming out
welcome to the site :)

about 80% of what I know is self taught, whenever I have a problem, google it and see what others have done or know about it, when I started building comuters, I went hands on and looked at my computer, the parts etc and realised how simple it all is, it is mostly colour/shape coordinated :P

the other 20% is from here, sitting in discussion threads or offering help and getting people discuss the help you have offered or you discussing the help others have given often leads to little nuggets of information that you didn't know before coming out

This guy is right most of your learning is by trial and error. The small percent is from here, friends, and tech help
This guy is right most of your learning is by trial and error. The small percent is from here, friends, and tech help

I spend a lot of time on here, lol. On average, I spend about 1-2 hours a day, just reading up on problems and fixes and storing them in my brain for future reference :D and another hour looking for problems that I can help with ;)