New Speakers.. wont work properly


New Member
ok i dotn ahve any special sound card... didnt think i woul dneed one but.. when i hook up my 5 speaker + subwoofer set i cna only get 2 of my speakers and the subwoofer to work... any speakers work as long as there hooked up to the Front slot ( 2 front, 2 rear, 1 mid)
not sure if you would need to know anymore to help
(oh ya everything is hooked up through the sub which is hooked to the comp from a green, black and orange cord)
Dude, it's not that hard to go back and correct your typos... If you're going to ask something, at least make it somewhat readable...
well i guess thats somewhat helpful lol..... sorry for the typos anyways im sure people can understand it. (made sure i had no typos in this one :))
What speakers so you have? On some sets, such as the Logitech z-5xxx series, theres a switch on the back of the sub that allows you to use the speaker system in 2.1/4.1/5.1 channel mode.
Are you sure your sound card is running it at the right settings? Goto start>Control Pannel>Sounds>Sounds>Advanced Speaker Settings>Select 5.1 surround