New Genius speakers...


New Member
...don't seem to be working so far. After getting them along with a new pc I installed all the necessary drivers. The sound cars seems to be working - winamp plays mp3s. Can't hear nothing out of speakers though and everytime I plug them in all I hear are some wierd electricity noises starting after a few seconds...then I plug them out, because I can't stand that noise and sometimes I hear cracking sounds before it goes quiet...
Genius 2

...and it doesn't seem to matter if they are even on or off. Plus only the main speaker goes nuts, the other one doesn't say anything...
Are they specificly computer speakers, plug into the green speaker port on your sound card? Also, how do you know your sond card is working, try other speackers? You should take the 'non-working' speakers and hook them up to some other device, a portable cd player or something, and the headphone jack on fron of your computer. See if that helps.
Genius 3

Yes, they are 320 watt Genius SP-K16 pc speakers and are plugged into the green port. I've installed AC 97 Audio drivers that came with the computer and from then winamp started working without sound (previously didn't even work). That also installed among other things connector sensing, so it tells me if the speakers are not correctly connected. I don't have any of the other devices you suggest, but I still have my old computer on the other table. So I tried switching: speakers from the old computer don't work on the new one, but also don't irritate me, while the new speakers have the same problem on the old computer - light saber humming. I'm also not sure if the old speakers would even work on the new computer. Anyway, everything seems to work and still no sound...
Final update

My computer is fixed and ready. After I was unable to set it up myself, I took it back to the place where I bought it. Turns out the sound card wasn't properly installed, although I tried everything including going by the book and the jumpers weren't properly set up. Furthermore the new speakers had a problem with electricity by itself, which seems to be a serial error, since the next set of speakers that I got had the same problem. Still awaiting new ones that would work...Thanks for your help!