New build ideas, just speculating for now


Hi all, I was thinking of maybe 5-10 months down the road building a new machine. I know what I'm doing with computers but I haven't researched new parts for a while. I plan on starting with a GTX 1070 and 16GB of DDR4 RAM (might just get 32GB right off the hop). I'm not looking to 4k game, just want to run new games on top settings for a few years in 1080p. So yeah I know I want the 1070, the RAM I mentioned (probably hyper fury x) but I don't know what motherboard is really that good nor do I know which processor to match it well. I suppose I'm looking for something better than would match the 1070 so I can just upgrade the video card without having to rebuild again. Speaking of which, maybe a motherboard that would support a processor upgrade that's worthwhile unlike the AM3 board I have now (AMD FX processors eh?). I'm for sure going intel this time. I like the idea of continuing with my current setting of a 700W power supply so I can add hard drives or SLI without worrying. I might want a PCI slot if anything these days still uses that (I really need to update my know-how). So yeah any suggestions? I live in Canada. I was thinking of getting an I7 6700k as the I7 selection at Memory Express is limited, but I read that it's capable of doing 4k and might be overkill. Thanks.

budget would be around $2000, and I've got the hard drives figured out would get maybe a 250 or more GB SSD and 4TB hard drive.
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I always forget your from Alberta too..

Normally I'd say go with an i5, but sounds like you want a complete refresh, to intel build, and most likely keep your builds for several years. If this is correct, going the i7 route, albeit more expensive, might be the smarter choice.

The 6700K is definitely a workhorse, and I'm assuming you may do a bit of overclocking so K-series is a must! As for boards, I'm an MSI or Asus guy, but some of the newest Gigabyte Z170 boards look absolutely flipping awesome!

Hyperx fury or savage DD4 is a strong choice, highly recommended whether you OC your RAM or not, and I'd defintitely get a board that features at least one M.2 pcie 3.0 x4 slot for a mega fast NVMe solid state drive.

One other thing, I like MX cause its a local, brick and mortar store, but honestly, there are better deals/prices on or